5 Ways Micro-Influencers Can Increase Conversion Rates

Thanks to modern technology and easy access to the internet, you have the opportunity to promote your business a cost-effective manner. After all, digital marketing is significantly cheaper than other means of brand promotion. Of course, your goal here is to ensure that strategies you implement will increase conversion rates and to turn more leads into customers. A useful way to achieve this goal is through micro-influencer campaigns, the hottest digital marketing trend. How to increase conversion rates with micro-influencers? Here are five strategies to follow.

1. Have micro-influencer review your product

It is naturally to get informed about a product or service before paying for it. That’s why product reviews are so popular. Everyone likes to see whether someone had a positive or negative experience with some brand. In fact, 88% of customers trust online reviews by strangers as much as they would recommendations from friends, and 82% of people say they are highly likely to follow a recommendation made by a micro-influencer.

Micro-influencers are bloggers and vloggers who worked hard to gain the trust of people who follow them. Therefore, what they have to say about a product or service plays a major role in an average consumer’s decision whether to go for it or not. In order to increase conversion rates, you should have the micro-influencer honestly review your product.

Don’t make a common mistake and make demands about things a micro-influencer will write. Remember, that person put a lot of work and effort into gaining someone’s trust and his/her career depends on reliable and trustworthy reviews. At the same time, micro-influencers are savvy and they know what to say about a product or a brand to ensure their followers give it a try, so you don’t have to worry about that.

Allowing micro-influencers to review a product their way is good for you because consumers easily spot reviews that are too promotional. Also, you can encourage an influencer to mention some slightly negative thing in order to reinforce and emphasize all the positives. This is a sure-fire micro-influencer marketing strategy that will generate a lot of leads and turn them into customers.

2. Exclusives and sneak peek events

A lot of brands promote their products or services through launch events. Therefore, an effective way to get micro-influencers to promote your brand is to provide them with exclusive previews. Combining these two aspects would be even more beneficial; when launching a new service/product, invite one or more micro-influencers you’re working with to a sneak peek event. If you’re not hosting an event, then make sure they get an exclusive insight into the product/service by trying them before other people.

How can this benefit you? Just like “regular” people, micro-influencers post everything they do on social media, primarily Instagram. That means, they will post dozens of photos taken at launch events or they will upload pictures of free samples you received. They share the entire experience with their followers and create product awareness at the same time. As a result, more people will get to know your brand, products or services and they’ll also want to try it out just like their favorite influencers they follow.

3. Tutorials and guides created by micro-influencers

When you come across a makeup tutorial video on Instagram where a girl subtly points out to the brand behind some cosmetic product before showing the shade she’s using, that’s not an accident. The chances are high she’s a micro-influencer who collaborates with that particular brand. Smart move! Other girls want to do the same, achieve the same effect, and they’re highly likely to purchase those items. One of the easiest ways to increase conversion rate with the help of social media influencers is to have them create tutorials or how-to guides.

Before people decide whether to use a product or trust some brand, they want to know how it works and what it can do. Sometimes it’s not enough to have a micro-influencer post a photo and write a caption that would feature your brand’s name and your product/service. Everyone does it nowadays. Showing the product or service in action is what truly inspires people.

According to a study funded by Experticity, people consider micro-influencers to be more knowledgeable than an average person regarding some products or services. Also, 92% people believe that micro-influencers are better at explaining how the product works or could be used. You should use these favorable facts to your advantage and ask a micro-influencer to create a guide or tutorial featuring your products or services.

4. Promotion of discount codes or links

Although it is easy to have a micro-influencer promote your brand with one or two photos, you should still strive to do more. Some people need that extra nudge, and a few photos aren’t enough. A micro-influencer needs to give them a valid reason to take the action. The best way to do it is to have the micro-influencer (or more of them) promote discount codes so that their followers have the opportunity to purchase a product at a more affordable price.

Another thing you can do is to have a micro-influencer promote a link for a free trial of your service. Basically, the secret is in offering something that average consumer will consider practical and decide they want to do something or buy a product.

5. Turn micro-influencer into a fan

The most fruitful micro-influencer campaigns are those involving persons who really care or admire some brand. They feel passionate about the whole situation and put more effort into the process. Most brands fail to recognize that at the end of the day, micro-influencers are just like regular consumers. When they find a product/service or brand they love, they will gladly promote it. In some cases, they don’t even require monetary compensation (although sending a free product or some reward is always a great thing to do).

Making sure a micro-influencer you choose is a fan of your brand (or becomes one) is vital. Their passion shows in the content, and everything seems more authentic that way. The authenticity brings more customers your way, they want to use a product that someone tried, liked, and raved about it.


Micro-influencer campaigns are effective for brand promotion, product/service awareness, and increased conversion rate. All you have to do is to establish a strong relationship with an influencer, experiment, and dare to be creative.

Image by geralt Pixabay.com

Vivian Michaels

Vivian Michaels is a health and technology expert, who has written several articles for various websites. He is a Fitness coach by profession and likes to help people achieve their individual fitness goals.

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