How to assign permission to Sharepoint folder?

After you have set permissions for a library, you may want to set unique permissions on one or more folders in that library. For example, you may want to create a subfolder where anyone could read and add files to a subfolder, but not the root folder or any other subfolder.


  1. Navigate to the site and library for which you want to create unique permissions on a subfolder.
  2. If necessary, create the subfolder and add a few files.
  3. On the subfolder name, do the following:
    1. Next to the subfolder name, click the Ellipsis
    2. On the file popup window, click the Ellipsis…, and then click Shared With.
    3. To view the folder’s Permissions page, click Advanced.The chain of commands used to get to the subfolder permissions page
  4. To remove permission inheritance for the folder, click Stop Inheriting Permissions.
  5. For existing users, edit the permissions of those in the current list by selecting the check boxes and clicking either Edit User Permissions or Remove User Permissions.
  6. For new users, click Grant Permissions and fill out the dialog box. Make sure you click Show optionsand select the appropriate permission level.


Other alternative solutions. 


Image by mohamed_hassan pixabay

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