We Can Neither Regulate Nor Sanction Away Cryptocurrency’s Facilitation of Ransomware

Interesting article from ISACA. If you are interested to learn what happen to the Colonial pipeline ransomware attack. This is maybe a closure of the attack, to payment to recovery.

“As demonstrated after the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recouped approximately 63 of the 75 bitcoin taken.10 Ironically, had the funds been paid using the traditional banking system, it is far less likely that this money could so easily have been recovered; certainly not as quickly. And while the search warrant used by the FBI was devoid of detail as to how the FBI secured the key to the wallet, one can surmise that this occurred either through the use of a cooperating witness, or through covert electronic surveillance of 1 or more of the actors controlling the wallet.”

continue reading: https://www.isaca.org/resources/news-and-trends/industry-news/2021/we-can-neither-regulate-nor-sanction-away-crypotcurrencys-facilitation-of-ransomeware

Stay healthy and stay safe. Merry Christmas and enjoy.

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