DNS Malware is your computer infected?

If your computer is infected by DNS Malware on July 9, 2012 you may lose internet connectivity. To read about the DNS Malware, please read the article posted at FBI.gov

You still have time to check your computer if you are infected by DNS Malware, simply visit www.dns-ok.us to scan your workstation. You don’t do anything, just wait to see the result. See a sample result below for my computer. 

If the result is DNS Resolution = GREEN, then your computer is NOT infected, if the background color is read, please continue reading this article. 

If you need to fix the DNS Malware, here’s a detailed guide provided by DNS Changer Working Group (DCMG) http://www.dcwg.org/fix/

If you need an Online Malware checker for your website, please visit http://needname.net/web-site-anti-malware/.

Source: DNSMalware.com

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