Do you want to be a Millionaire?

I enjoy reading this article. A practical way to spend your hard earned money so you will be a Millionaire in years to come.

My takeaway from this article to become a Millionaire.

  1. I rather be anonymously rich rather than deceptively poor.
  2. Patient is a virtue. You won’t become a millionaire overnight, your wealth will be accumulated gradually.
  3. If you can’t pay cash you can’t afford it. Pays off credit cards in full every month.
  4. Money does not buy happiness, instead focus on attaining financial freedom and become debt free.
  5. Pay yourself first.
  6. Failing to plan is the same as planning to fail.
  7. You will make Financial mistakes, take note and re-assess to avoid it in the future.
  8. Save early if you can, to take advantage of the power of compounding growth.
  9. Automatic paycheck deduction to build up your retirement. You can’t spend what you don’t see.
  10. If everything you own is paid for, retire early, travel and enjoy life. Life is too short.

I know it is hard, well if it is easy everyone is a millionaire by now.

Here’s a few things he shared with me but apparently doesn’t want to tell you. (No offense, I’m sure.)

via Read 19 Secrets Your Millionaire Neighbor Won’t Tell You — Focuseleme

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