QUE.COM Domain Appraisal

Good lovely morning.

I received many random emails asking if I am willing to sell our domain name property QUE.COM. I respectfully declined their offers. The offer price range between mid to high five figures.

So, I checked my domain appraisal for QUE.COM today. The estimated price is $219,000 not bad if I will consider selling based on appraisal report. But I expect to sell it in low to mid 7 figures, maybe 8 figures depending on our sales.

Because … QUE.COM is our brand, assets, business, identity, global, communication, networks, internet presence and company.

In short, our company domain name is not for sale (at this time) 🙂

Here’s a screen shot of the appraisal report.


I will check it again after a year.

Thank you for reading.


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Founder, QUE.COM Internet Media. | Founder, Yehey.com a Shout for Joy! | MAJ.COM Management of Assets and Joint Ventures. More at KING.NET Ideas to Life.

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