Advertisers are Missing Out on $25 Billion in Mobile Ads

Internet user and smartphone subscription growth may be slowing, but usage and engagement continues to rise – largely thanks to our mobile devices – KPCB’s Mary Meeker reported in her annual Internet Trends report, presented at Re/code’s Code Conference Wednesday. The average adult now spends three hours a day – more than half of total Internet usage time – on mobile, compared to less than an hour a day five years ago. That’s a huge market for advertisers, and it hasn’t been capitalized on yet.

Indeed, Meeker, a former Morgan Stanley analyst also known as the Queen of the Internet, cited mobile usage as a rapidly rising force in last year’s 2014 Internet Trends report. One notable turnabout: Meeker had called out the fast adoption of tablets last year, but had no mention of the devices this year. It’s a reminder of how quickly tech trends can change.

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